
News del 21 gennaio 2010

Sony: Il PSN sarà ampliato

Se il 2009 ha portato innumerevoli successi per le esclusive PSN come Pixeljunk shooter, Pain, Fat Princess, Flower e molti altri titoli PSone. John Koller, responsabile per il marketing SCEAA, ha dichiarato in una nuova intervista rilasciata ieri che il Playstation Network si è molto ampliato ed evoluto parecchio da quando è stato messo online. Il 2010 sarà l'anno della svolta per il Playstation Network, questo sempre stando alle parole di Koller. Nell'intervista parla anche di Home il quale ha recentemente subito un aggiornamento che introduce il primo MMo. Ma a quanto pare Sony non ha solo intenzione di ampliare la line-up di giochi con sole esclusive PSN ma sta anche valutanto seriamente di introdurre i giochi PS2, come si era già fatto con i giochi PSone. Avremo quindi la retrocompatibilità su tutte le PS3 con un prossimo aggiornamento? Non ci resta che sperare, nel frattempo eccovi l'intervista originale totalmente in inglese:

“Expansion of the PlayStation Network will be a critical part of what we focus on this year,” the SCEA director of hardware marketing told Examiner. “Digital distribution is something that will continually evolve, and we have the perfect platform in PSN to evolve along with it.

“Last year, we saw a number of amazing original games on PSN like Flower, PixelJunk Shooter and Gravity Crash and you can expect to see more exclusive titles in 2010. We can also look forward to more classic PSOne games making resurgence through PSN.

“You can bank on seeing more great digital content in 2010 from PSN, including great exclusive titles.

“PSN has really been hitting its stride and the amount of quality content available through the platform is staggering, from Hustle Kings, a realistic 3D pool game, to Echoshift, a strategy and puzzle game as well as many more.

“With the launch of Sodium, PlayStation Home’s first MMO (ED:launched back in December), PlayStation Home further evolves into a true social gaming platform. Sodium One is an evolving massive combat game for the PlayStation 3 community that delivers immersive gameplay with visually stunning graphics. In addition, we will make even further strides with digital content through original programming and the expansion of Home in 2010.”

Those hoping for a possible Games on Demand-style service featuring their favorite PS2 titles, though, will just have to keep waiting.

“As for an “On Demand” model, we don’t have any plans to discuss at this time,” he said. “With the strength and volume of the rich PlayStation 2 lineup, there are obviously fans out there who would love to get their hands on these fan-favorite titles again. We don’t have any news to share on that front at the moment, but keep in mind that digital distribution isn’t the only way to bring classic PlayStation 2games over to PS3.

“God of War Collection is a great example of how technology like Blu-ray can be used to not only reintroduce PlayStation 2 classics, but improve on them at the same time by adding new features like PSN Trophies, higher resolution textures, and increased frame rates – all on a single Blu-ray disc.”



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