News del 11-03-2009

GTA IV Lost and Damned arriverà anche su PlayStation3?

Alcuni rumour sulla rete europea affermano che GTA IV Lost and Damned il pack piu' scaricato sul servizio interattivo Microsoft Xbox Live arriverà presto anche sulla console PlayStation3.  Ricordiamo a tutti che per il momento la notizia e da ritenersi un rumour.

Di seguito la citazione ufficiale:

The Lost and Damned downloadable contet of 2008's blockbuster Grand Theft Auto IV hit the XBox 360 late last month and quickly became the best selling expansion on the XBox Live Marketplace. Microsoft paid Rockstar $50 million for the exclusive XBox 360 content. However, internet rumors are indicating that the DLC just may make it's way to the PS3 after all.

PSInsider is reporting that the exclusive agreement between Microsoft and Rockstar's parent company, Take Two, was for downloadable content. The exclusive agreement was carefully worded and announced, and the exclusivity deal only extends to downloadable content. Take Two will be able to bring Lost and Damned to the PS3 via a hard, retail copy, which will go on sale for $40 sometime within the next year, alongside a retail version for the 360 as well.